Sept. 6, 2021

    We are glad to unveil the 2 projects selected from Central Asian countries - Kazakhstan and Uzbekista as part of the Global Youth Take Action, 2nd edition call for projects launched on the Youth for Water and Climate platform by the Secrétariat international de l'eau - International Secretariat for Water. These projects will benefit from financial and technical assistance.


    Aug. 17, 2021

    Dear Youth Leaders, The Global Water Partnership (GWP) has created the GWP Water Academy for Youth (W.A.Y.) as opportunity for young professionals to fully realise their potential in the water community and become influencers and leaders, to create momentum with key actors in the water community to support and enhance youth engagement and empowerment in water resources management which will support the acceleration of the implementation of the SDGs.

  • Global Youth Take Action

    July 30, 2020

    This project aims to analyze and map drinking water quality in Kazakhstan and use the data for advocacy and awareness raising purposes. An online map will be created.

  • FAO Land And Water Officer

    July 5, 2020

    The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Land and Water Division is looking for Land and Water Officers

  • Become a part of our main team

    June 12, 2020

    Apply for the position of the National Coordinator of CAY4W in your country. Our members votes will identify the next members of the main team.

  • Conference on “Improving Water Resources and Environment”

    Feb. 20, 2020

    CALL FOR PAPERS - The First International Conference on: ‘Improving water resources and environmental management in the face of growing uncertainty’ (IWREM-2020) is the interdisciplinary forum for life scientists, engineers, and practitioners to present their latest research results, ideas, developments, and applications.

  • Women and Water Education conference

    Dec. 14, 2019

    Kazakh-German University in Almaty and the Central Asian Journal of Water Research (CAJWR) invite you to participate in the second online conference “Women and Water Education”.

  • ECO-picnic in Almaty

    Oct. 16, 2019

    On Sunday, October 13, regional coordinator of CAY4Water and members of the network went to the Turgen Gorge in the territory of Ili-Alatau National Park

  • The First Aral Sea Summer School

    Aug. 25, 2019

    The Summer School took place in a period of August 10-18, 2019 in the form of field trips around the Aral Sea Basin and thematic trainings from experts from Central Asia, Germany and Japan.

  • An outing to Issyk Lake

    Oct. 11, 2018

    On Wednesday, October 11, as part of the development of the youth community, the participants of the CAYFWater Youth Forum, students of the Master's Program IWRM 1 and 2 courses took part in an outing to Issyk lake. As part of the trip, garbage collection was organized around the lake. Participants also had a conversation with representatives of the eco-post of Issyk National Park.

  • CAYFWater summer camp at Issyk-kul lake

    July 11, 2018

    When we talk about Youth, these words come to mind - creative, new, not standard, interesting. These words also fit the description of the first ever CAYFWater summer school at Issyk-kul lake, which took place from 26th June to 1st July 2017.

  • Regional Olympiad on IWRM

    May 13, 2018

    4 winners of the "Student Olympiads on Integrated Water Resources Management" (IWRM). we got a chance to take part in the regional stage of the competition.

  • Postdoctoral fellowship proposals

    March 24, 2018

    Full proposals must be submitted by15 August 2018 via the Foundation’s electronic application system and contain all documents specified in the Information for Applicants 72e checklist (see attachment).

  • Event for Afghanistan students and postgraduates "Water Issues of Herat"

    Oct. 27, 2017

    In the framework of project CAYFWater; in cooperation with Jami University, Ministry of Energy and Water and Hari Rod Morghab River Basin organization the awareness raising event on “Water Issues of Herat, Afghanistan” was held for undergraduate, graduate students and basin employees on 27 October 2017.

  • "Water is the source of life" Astana trip

    Sept. 10, 2017

    The project is focused on attracting public attention to water resources and water problems, raising awareness and knowledge about water resources and their impact on biodiversity, forming an understanding of the role of water in the natural life chain and eliminating the consumer attitude to water.