The 2020 Let's Talk About Water Film Festival

May 29, 2020

The 2020 Let's Talk About Water Film Festival (LTAW) – brought to you by the Global Institute for Water Security is now streaming online through the virtual theatre. 

For over 10 years, Let’s Talk About Water has combined the power of film and the science of water to inform and engage students, faculty and the general public in active discussion about water issues and solutions.


Over the next six weeks, there are going to be shown some of the greatest films about water and environmental science from around the world. Each week a feature film (or a handful of shorts) and a selection of entries for this year's LTAW International Water Film Prize and Youth Prize competition will be presented.

We believe everyone did a great job and we will get the chance to see outstanding films and everyone can view it – free of charge! 

The 2020 festival is launched with a remarkable selection from a recently released PBS documentary series called H2O: The Molecule that Made Us. It is a landmark series that tells the human story through our relationship to water. Featuring Dr. Jay Famiglietti, our colleague and executive director of The Global Institute for Water Security at the University of Saskatchewan.


We also recommend you to watch this weeks’ two selected International Film Prize submissions:

Life Without Guarantee (Uzbekistan) a story of a former sailor who misses the sea by Qudrat Atadjanov

Aman Iman: Water is Life (Algeria) a story about the value and state of a blessing called water by Mustapha Benghernaout


To watch the program you should sign up to the Virtual Theatre


We hope you enjoy these as much as we do.