Youth Seat on the Global Water Partnership Steering Committee

April 24, 2020

The Global Water Partnership (GWP) is a multi-stakeholder action network dedicated to working with countries towards the equitable, sustainable, and efficient management of their water resources. We work to ensure the ‘voices of water’ can influence local, national, regional, and global development priorities. We are committed to our role as a neutral convener and respected for our focus on inclusiveness and sustainability.

The GWP Steering Committee has decided to create a permanent independent youth seat on the Committee, thereby ensuring full information and voting rights for a strong youth perspective.

They have launched a global Call for applications to identify perspective candidates making a great opportunity for youth to engage in water governance and management.


This step is unique among global water organisations and reflects their commitment to create space and opportunities for youth to engage in water governance and management - this is further outlined in GWP’s Youth Engagement Strategy and GWP's overall 2020-2025 Strategy, Mobilising for a Water Secure World.


The duty

Steering Committee members are expected to work to support the realization of GWP’s vision and achievement of its mission as a whole. Steering Committee members are expected to:

  • Study the material circulated for each SC meeting in advance of such meeting;
  • Respond to correspondence addressed to them in between SC meetings within a reasonable time;
  • Declare to the Chair in case of conflict of interest on any matter considered by the SC;
  • Notify, ahead of time, the Steering Committee Chair or the Executive Secretary, of their absences; failure to do so, without showing reasonable cause for such absence, will be considered a resignation from being a member of the SC.



  • Knowledge: Prior knowledge or experience with GWP is desirable but not required;
  • Age: Be under 32 years of age (i.e. maximum 32 years of age before the date of the next GWP Steering Committee Meeting, to attend in December 2020);
  • Experience: At least 5 years of relevant work experience, gained in professional or voluntary activities; experience in Youth Mobilization and/or Water Resources Management; experience in coordination within and between organizations;
  • Leadership: experience in taking on leadership roles, formal or informal – that involved mobilizing and shaping decisions and actions by and with others; experience in participating in and/or leading committees;
  • Language: Full fluency (written and spoken) in English
  • Country exposure: Must have worked on/been engaged in processes beyond own country.

Application process

  • Applications must be made by registering on the GWPO online system at the following link:
  • All applications must be accompanied by a Resume, Cover letter and Letter of Support from a GWP Partner using the template given on the website.


Deadline for applications: 20th of May 2020.

Terms of Reference

List of the contact persons, in your respective countries/regions is available here.