Over the past five years, Kazakhstan-German University annually holds an Olympiad on Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) among students from Central Asian countries, thereby contributing to the capacity building of future specialists representing the region.
This year, with the support of the Global Water Partnership (GWP), a database of questions has been updated, which are now based on the GWP toolbox.
The National IWRM Olympiad in Uzbekistan was held for the first time on May 20, 2019 at the Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers. The event was organized by the Kazakh-German University in conjunction with the Ministry of Water Resources of Uzbekistan. The Olympiad was held under the auspices of the Central Asia Youth for Water (CAY4W) network, with the support of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation.
Aim of the contest:
· Providing an understanding of the technical principles of IWRM and the way it influences the development of communities.
· Identifying talented figures whom the future of the country rely on.
· Developing a dialogue between future experts on world practice and aspects of IWRM.
Format of the Olympiad:
1. General test consisting of 20 questions;
2. Eight finalists were qualified to take the oral exam .
The opening session of the National Olympiad was attended by over 200 students. The program of the national Olympiad consists of two stages. The first stage is testing conducted among 28 students. The final stage is an oral exam. At the initial stage, participants had to answer 20 test questions. The second round was attended by 8 students who scored the highest mark.
The second part of the event was dedicated to capacity building measures and strengthening the knowledge of the youth generation about integrated water resources management and its tools. At this session, specialists demonstrated their experience with IWRM tools based on studies conducted in Central Asia. The session was held by Isomiddin Akramov, CAY4W National Coordinator.
National stage winner has been also invited to participate in the Regional Olympiad on IWRM in Almaty, held within the First International Aral Sea Summer School from August 11-18.