Webinars to finalize Business Ideas

June 4, 2020

Last week, DKU together with the MOST Business Incubator (@ most.com.kz), as part of preparing participants for the Eco-Talk international green business school, held a series of webinars to finalize business ideas.

Speakers at these webinars were: Maxim Baryshev, founder of Uchet.kz; Julia Dmitrieva, owner of the agency “JD.Expert”; Alisher Latypov, event agency www.top10ala.kz; Evgeny Mukhamedzhanov, founder of EcoNetwork; Galym Baitymbetov, founder of AQUA Point; Maya Suyunchalieva, founder of the project “Eco-tourism and Lean Textile Branding”.

Speakers shared success stories of their enterprises and eco-projects with young eco-innovators. They told and showed how to choose the right idea for their project, how to test the idea, how to find the target audience and market for services / products.


At the end of the webinars, the participants in the Eco-Talk project went to refine their eco-business ideas using the knowledge they gained during the webinars.

The international summer green business school Eco-Talk is organized in partnership with the Regional Coordination and Support for the EU-Central Asia Enhanced Regional Cooperation on Environment, Climate Change and Water (WECOOP) project, the Central Asian Youth Water (CAY4W) Network and International Secretariat for Water, Canada (ISW) with support of the SwissAgency for Development and Cooperation (SDC).


Description of webinars

On May 25, in preparation for the Eco-Talk 2020 international green business school, a series of webinars was launched in conjunction with the MOST Business Incubator, the aim of which was to refine the existing ideas of potential participants in the summer school.

At a webinar on May 25, participants were able to learn how to identify, generate and test business ideas, how to research competitors and existing offers, and much more.

The speakers were:

Yulia Dmitrieva, owner of the JD.Expert agency with the topic Definition of the product or service of your eco-business;

Evgeny Mukhamedzhanov will share the story of the creation of the EcoNetwork project.

The recording of the first webinar and a screenshot of the report are available here:



At the webinar on May 27, participants were able to learn techniques aimed at studying their consumer and target audience, the engagement cycle by customer segments, and generally study customer focus approaches.

The speakers were:


Alisher Latypov from the event agency www.top10ala.kz with the theme "Defining Your Target Audience and Client Portrait";

Maya Suyunchalieva from the Institute for Sustainable Development will tell about the history of the project “Eco-tourism and Lean Textile Branding”;

The recording of the second webinar is available at:


Screenshot Report:



At the final webinar on May 29, participants learned how to research the market and position their product, and also learned about the concept and types of business models, etc.

The speakers were:

Maxim Baryshev, Eco Office Accounting.kz with the topic Defining Your Market and Business Model

Galym Baitymbetov will tell the History of the project “Drinking Fountains”

Record of the third webinar:
