National Student Olympiad on IWRM in Turkmenistan

May 19, 2019

On May 14th 2019 the national student contest on IWRM was held at the Turkmen Agrarian University named after S.A. Niyazov.
The second stage (regional) was carried out at the Kazakh-German University in Kazakhstan on the basis of a test assessment system agreed with the Free University of Berlin. The planned date for the second stage of the Olympiad was August 2019.

Aim of the contest: provide a platform for dialogue and knowledge transfer between young specialists and experts and capacity building of future specialists in the field of water resources management.

The event was attended by 42 students from 4 universities of Turkmenistan (55 people in total).


The first stage is the national one. Jury members were also represented by representatives of international organizations. The national stage of the competition was held on May 14. 2019 at the Turkmen Agrarian University named after S.A. Niyazov.
The second stage (regional) was carried out at the Kazakh-German University in Kazakhstan on the basis of a test assessment system agreed with the Free University of Berlin. The planned date for the second stage of the Olympiad is
 August 2019.

In the end of the competition, participants were awarded attendance certificates and according to the results, winner prizes (from 1 to 3, respectively) were awarded to:
1. Annaev Annageldi Serdarovich
2. Durdybaeva Jeyran Durdybaevna
3. Garazhaeva Ayzhemal Rovshenovna

National stage winner also invited to participate in the Regional Olympiad on IWRM in Almaty, held as part of an international Summer School in the Aral Sea from August 11 to 18 2019 year.