Mohammad Najim Nasimi

National coordinator for Afghanistan, Central Asia Youth for Water Network

Mr. Mohammad Najim Nasimi born on 1994 is lecturer at Department of water supply and environmental engineering at Kabul Polytechnic University of Afghanistan, besides he is the national coordinator for the Central Asia Youth Network (CAY4W) and Youth Parliament For Water in Afghanistan.

Najim acquired his master degree in Water resources engineering and management from UNECO center for South Asia water management, University of Moratuwa in Sri Lanka. He has another master degree in hydraulic structures from Kabul Polytechnic university of Afghanistan.

Mr. Nasimi is the Afghan youth activist with working on strengthen the youth leadership in Afghanistan especially in water and environmental areas. He participated in many international conferences across Central Asia, South Asia and China and took parts in raising the youth voice and presenting his research activities.

 [email protected]

 +93 77 384 04 25