Central Asia Youth for Water network (CAY4W) is a regional network connecting youth (students, young specialists, activists and enthusiasts) in order to engage them into the Central Asia water management issues.

Today our planet is facing the greatest water crisis; due to the scarcity of drinking water, irrational and excessive water exploitation, inadequate resource management, as well as the uncoordinated and often conflicting interests turning water distribution into a major source of conflict thus increasing tensions between states. The residents of Central Asia are familiar with water issues firsthand: irrational utilization of Syr-Darya and Amu-Darya led to the shallowing of the Aral Sea, climate change is causing the Pamir and Tian-Shan glaciers melt, every year hundreds of settlements get flooded while even more have access to water at scheduled times and conserve every drop.

We see the resolution of existing and emerging crises in involving young people in the decision making process and later in strengthening regional water cooperation and diplomacy to ensure sustainable peace through joint efforts. Youth are the leaders of tomorrow and the main driving force of progress. That is why our work is directed to enlightenment, engagement and unification of young people in aspiration to progress. We, in CAY4W value perseverance and willfulness, initiative and creativity, courage and willingness to make decisions in the fate of their home and the entire Central Asian region.


Our vision lies in the creation of platform for networking, where young people of any academic background and specialization can gain the expert knowledge on water resource, along with the opportunities to get acquainted with crises in water sector and bring a fresh view to its solution.


Considering the fact that youth makes up a considerable part of population, our mission includes the following:

  • create network of young leaders interested in and ready to solve water issues and its sustainable management;
  • promote the youth involvement in implementing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs);
  • establishment of platform for dialogue between experts, organizations, leaders and active youth supporting the interaction and international regional cooperation.


One of the main goals of CAY4W is increasing the awareness and involvement of young people in the problems of their home through the implementation of local and regional projects, as well as to empower a new generation of water leaders in Central Asia to promote sustainable and peaceful development of the region through improving transboundary water management.
To achieve these goals and realize our mission CAY4W organizes youth oriented projects:

  • online and offline lectures, seminars, colloquiums with local and international experts on water;
  • presentations by young water leaders in universities and youth organizations;
  • scientific-research colloquiums and conferences among students of various universities;
  • thematic contests and competitions on state and regional levels for bachelors and graduates;
  • internal events to strengthen the ties between members of the CAY4W organized in various universities of CA.